
TLE offers a highly discreet fee-based personal financial advisory service with the objective of optimising returns via active management and monitoring of Investment portfolio as per client’s Risk appetite.

Current challenges:

In a survey we conducted, we found that today’s average professionals/entrepreneurs do not pay enough attention to their personal finances leading to sub-optimal returns and even negative inflation adjusted returns. The challenges are many and some of them are:

  • Time and knowledge a constraint but even bigger is finding someone trustworthy for both acumen and confidentiality.
  • Falling prey to hard selling by suave jargon using salesmen resulting in Investments in wasteful products without any strategic approach.
  • Sub-optimal returns due to strong bias to Property, Gold and Bank deposits combined with suspicion of Equity markets.
  • Disproportionate amount of cash lying idle in savings/current accounts.
  • Tendency to deal with multiple agencies at a transactional level rather than taking decisions based on a holistic view of the Portfolio.
  • Individuals are diverse , have different income flows and have their own unique financial needs and a ‘one size fits all’ approach would not work.

Come to us if you want:

  • A holistic end to end financial planning exercise from a trusted and knowledgeable consultant with assurance of personalised and confidential service.
  • Customised Financial management strategies right from planning to execution to monitoring.
  • Our recommendations cover typical Asset classes like Debt & Equity , Alternatives like Property , Commodities (Gold), Structured products, etc. apart from Risk management products like Life Insurance, Health & General insurance.
  • Customer goals to guide discussions, not products.
  • Role to be an advisor not product seller ; hence no bias, enabling best solution across market as it is service provider agnostic.
  • A one stop advisor for all financial matters and represent you if necessary while dealing with Auditors, Lawyers, Bankers and other Financial service providers.
  • Flexible fee structure – either One-time for plan or Annual retainer for ongoing advisory.

We would like to emphasise that what we offer is NOT:

  • A Portfolio Management Service (PMS) where client’s monies are invested as per Advisor’s discretion.
  • A distributor led Income model ie. Your advisor is not an Agent/Broker of any of the institutions whose products are recommended and will not earn any commissions from them.