
TLE aims to help individuals in preservation and growth of their wealth in the longer-term so as to meet their various financial goals. The advisory is biased to ensuring sensible & right returns within the confines of risk-reward balance. Stay invested and think long-term is our mantra.

Typical process flow:

  1. KYC : Knowing your customer’s profile in terms of understanding demographics, family background, profession, sources of income, life goals & commitments, etc. is key and first step in the process as it would give valuable insights on the softer aspects.
  2. Risk profiling : This will be in the form of answers to a questionnaire to assess client’s attitude towards Risk as well as his risk bearing capacity.
  3. Financial position : Make out an Income and Expenditure statement to understand current levels of income and surpluses for savings as well as a Balance sheet to review all Assets (incl. all types of Insurance) and Liabilities . Copies of last 2-3 years tax returns may also be sought . This will help the advisor understand the current state of financial affairs of the client.
  4. Asset allocation : Based on financial goals and risk profiling, a suggested financial plan will be drawn up allocating monies across various asset classes to provide diversification and tax optimisation as appropriate.
  5. Action steps : Based on current status, series of actions are laid down to execute target plan over a period.
  6. Tracking : Continuous monitoring & evaluation of portfolio and course correction whenever required or based on new needs.